Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dynamic programming.

Here is the short text related to dynamic programming.

 In general, to solve a given problem, we need to solve different parts of the problem (sub problems), then combine the solutions of the sub problems to reach an overall solution. Often when using a more naive method, many of the sub problems are generated and solved many times. The dynamic programming approach seeks to solve each sub problem only once, thus reducing the number of computations: once the solution to a given sub problem has been computed, it is stored or
 the next time the same solution is needed, it is simply looked up.

Dynamic programming algorithms are used for optimization
 A dynamic programming algorithm will examine all possible ways to solve the problem and will pick the best solution. Therefore, we can roughly think of dynamic programming as an intelligent, brute-force method that enables us to go through all possible solutions to pick the best one. If the scope of the problem is such that going through all possible solutions is possible and fast enough, dynamic programming guarantees finding the optimal solution. The alternatives are many, such as using a greedy algorithm, which picks the best possible choice "at any possible branch in the road". While a greedy algorithm does not guarantee the optimal solution, it is faster. Fortunately, some greedy algorithms (such as minimum spanning trees) are proven to lead to the optimal solution.

There are two key attributes that a problem must have in order for dynamic programming to be applicable: optimal substructure and overlapping sub problems. If a problem can be solved by combining optimal solutions to non-overlapping sub problems, the strategy is called "divide and conquer" instead. This is why merge sort and quick sort are not classified as dynamic programming problems.

Optimal substructure means that the solution to a given optimization problem can be obtained by the combination of optimal solutions to its sub problems. Consequently, the first step towards devising a dynamic programming solution is to check whether the problem exhibits such optimal substructure. Such optimal substructures are usually described by means of recursion. For example, given a graph G=(V,E), the shortest path p from a vertex u to a vertex v exhibits optimal substructure: take any intermediate vertex w on this shortest path p. If p is truly the shortest path, then it can be split into subpaths p1 from u to w and p2 from w to v such that these, in turn, are indeed the shortest paths between the corresponding vertices(Thanks to Introduction to Algorithms-MIT press).

Hence, one can easily formulate the solution for finding shortest paths in a recursive manner, which is what the Bellman–Ford algorithm or the Floyd–Warshall algorithm does.

Overlapping sub problems means that the space of sub problems must be small, that is, any recursive algorithm solving the problem should solve the same sub problems over and over, rather than generating new sub problems.

This can be achieved in either of two ways:

    Top-down approach: This is the direct fall-out of the recursive formulation of any problem. If the solution to any problem can be formulated recursively using the solution to its sub problems, and if its sub problems are overlapping, then one can easily store the solutions to the sub problems in a table. Whenever we attempt to solve a new sub problem, we first check the table to see if it is already solved. If a solution has been recorded, we can use it directly, otherwise we solve the sub problem and add its solution to the table.

    Bottom-up approach: Once we formulate the solution to a problem recursively as in terms of its sub problems, we can try reformulating the problem in a bottom-up fashion: try solving the sub problems first and use their solutions to build-on and arrive at solutions to bigger sub problems. This is also usually done in a tabular form by iteratively generating solutions to bigger and bigger sub problems by using the solutions to small sub problems.

to be continued...

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